Destiny 2 Year 7 Known Issues and Vital Information

This is a sub-page of Destiny 2 Guided Support. The following are confirmed known issues that players may experience in Destiny 2 Year 7 beginning June 4, 2024. Updates to this list will occur when possible. For more information on Years of Destiny, please click here.

If players experience issues that do not appear on this list, they can create a thread in our #Help Forum.


This is not a complete list of all known issues, but a targeted list of specific issues.

Vital Information The following callouts contain important information that players should be aware of before logging in to Destiny 2.
  • Changing the platform setting "Others can communicate w/ voice, text, or invites"  does not take effect until the game has been restarted.
  • Players running Destiny with an integrated graphics card may encounter gameplay performance issues if the integrated graphics card does not meet the minimum required PC specs. 
    • Laptops with Intel 12th generation Iris integrated graphics may crash in high-demand environments. Players can mitigate these crashes by ensuring Windows 10 is set to use only discrete graphics when running Destiny 2 via Windows->Settings->Graphics Settings, and selecting "High Performance" for Destiny 2.
  • Players using the PlayStation 4 version of Destiny 2 who receive BOAR errors should ensure that they have successfully downloaded the necessary Compatibility Files prior to entering the game.
  • Season Passes will be applied to the first account that signs in. If you plan to Cross Save but will use another character set, it's recommended to set up Cross Save before logging in. For more information, click here.
  • To access Iron Banner, players must reach Guardian Rank 4, complete the Crucible introductory quest, then speak to Lord Saladin and complete the Iron Banner introductory quest.
  • Epic Games Store players receiving "Time Skew Maxed" and RUTABEGA errors may need to update their launcher. If this doesn't help, players may have to press the Escape Key repeatedly after selecting a character to skip the opening cinematic.
  • Players progressing through The Final Shape campaign in a fireteam should avoid joining missions in-progress or swapping characters during the campaign to ensure progress is correctly recorded.
  • Players may experience a crash when attempting to reshape a weapon that is no longer present in their inventory. This can be resolved by beginning a craft of a new weapon then backing out.
  • The Micah-10 quest "The Veiled" cannot be completed unless players have completed the first mission of the Beyond Light campaign. This mission is available for all players to complete.


Episode: Revenant


Episode: Revenant Known Issues and Vital Information

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

Top Issues Being Investigated



  • Some players are persistently experiencing a Subclass unlocked pop up after already unlocking all subclasses.
  • Players who have already completed The Final Shape are blocked from acquiring Stasis during the Beyond Light campaign.
  • Vendor Icons or the Quest/Season Pass tabs are blinking when there is nothing available to claim.
  • Menus and subscreens used to change pages no longer allow inputs from a D-Pad or arrow keys.
  • The Director is no longer able to be accessed from inside the character screen.


Error Codes






  • The UI for the Prismatic Warlock's Solar Healing Grenade changes color based on the equipped Super.
  • The Warlock's Song of Flame melee does not activate Grave Robber.
  • The Hunter Arc Aspect, Tempest Strike, does not activate Nightmare Fuel Perk on Sealed Ahamkara Grasps.

Kell's Fall

  • Players can get out of bounds through a hole in the environment.
  • During the boss fight, sometimes the portal back to the revenant plane doesn't open when multi-phasing the boss, leading to a soft lock
  • The exotic mission in Fireteam Finder doesn’t display the different weeks of the mission.


Tomb/Challenge of Elders

  • Players who have no revive tokens left and then die get stuck on the "Finding Spawn Location" screen, instead of restarting the activity or going to Orbit.


Vesper's Host Dungeon

  • If the correct panels in the Heart Room of the first encounter are shot too quickly, a nuke won't spawn and the room won't try to reset itself.
  • Sometimes the final boss doesn't spawn and players are forced to wipe for the encounter to start.
  • Some players cannot complete Step 7 of the Rogue Network quest as they cannot interact with or open the second secret chest.
  • Players who are unable to complete Step 6 of the Rogue Network quest may have already completed the puzzle and just need to claim the collectible.
  • Players cannot dunk the nuclear core in the bunker if the Corrupted Puppeteer's wipe mechanic starts when the core drops.


Items and Weapons

  • The No Hesitation auto rifle does not reliably break Barrier Champions shields while Radiant.
  • The Tracking Module weapon perk on Hothead (Adept) rocket launcher cannot be reselected.
  • Acquiring all Salvation's Edge raid weapon patterns makes adept weapons drop with only two perks in the second column.
  • One Thousand Voices is considered a sword during sword week.
  • The Vantage Point pulse rifle cannot equip the Backup Mag mod.
  • The Garden of Salvation raid weapon perk, Photoinhibition, isn't disorienting targets as expected.
  • The 10% tonic buff only applies to the character that claimed the Act 1 Key Fieldwork item.
  • The Armamentarium exotic and Spirit of the Armamentarium perk do not preserve grenade energy after death in PVP.
  • We are investigating a potential issue within our code for how RNG perks are generated.
  • The Foetracer Exotic Helmet and the Spirit of the Foetracer Class Exotic perk do not apply their damage buff to weapons on rare occasions.
  • The Stag exotic helmet does not create healing rifts upon death.
  • Collective Obligation does not interact with a Hunter's Tether correctly.
  • Some weapons cannot swap perks, on their perks have become hidden.
  • The Warlock's Ballidorse Wrathweavers exotic causes more damage than intended.
  • The Hunter Arc Aspect, Tempest Strike, does not activate Nightmare Fuel Perk on Sealed Ahamkara Grasps.
  • The Spirit of the Assassin perk on the Titan's Stoicism exotic does not grant invisibility for finisher and melee kills.
  • The Stormdancer’s Brace Ascending Amplitude perk does not return Super Energy when player uses Stormtrance while Transcendent.
  • The Champ title has lost it's gilded status.
  • Iron Banner weapon rewards should drop after winning an Iron Banner match.
  • Slayer's Fang stuns Overload Champions as intended, but does not prevent them from healing, which is unintended.


Quests and Triumphs

  • Specific Episode: Echoes triumphs were removed at launch and cannot be obtained, blocking points.
  • Iron Banner's fourth Weekly Challenge does not reward the Iron Banner Memento upon completion.



  • Launching into Battleground: Echoes activities can sometimes result in a full white screen that can persist for a few seconds.
  • Players who have already completed unique missions in the Episode: Echoes story will not be able to launch into them again with other players who have not completed them yet.
  • In Encore, sometimes the emitter shield where the Choral Goblin spawn will linger after the Boss node appears and may get in the way of hitting the node to take down the Boss' shield.
  • Salvation's Edge no longer advertises a Pinnacle reward.
  • The Ogre boss in The Whisper mission has been unintentionally renamed to Jimmy, Aspect of Placeholding.
  • Some Major Fieldwork dialogue are incorrectly being used at the end of some of the missions.
  • Modifiers in Vanguard Ops occasionally change after loading into an area.


The Final Shape + Episode: Echoes


The Final Shape + Episode: Echoes Known Issues and Vital Information

Last Updated: October 8, 2024

Top Issues Being Investigated



  • Some players are persistently experiencing a Subclass unlocked pop up after already unlocking all subclasses.
  • Players who have already completed The Final Shape are blocked from acquiring Stasis during the Beyond Light campaign.
  • Vendor Icons or the Quest/Season Pass tabs are blinking when there is nothing available to claim.


Error Codes






  • The ability description for the Hunter Arc Staff super does not mention that the three-attack combo or ground slam attack applies Blind.


Items and Weapons

  • The No Hesitation auto rifle does not reliably break Barrier Champions shields while Radiant.
  • The Tracking Module weapon perk on Hothead (Adept) rocket launcher cannot be reselected.
  • Acquiring all Salvation's Edge raid weapon patterns makes adept weapons drop with only two perks in the second column.
  • One Thousand Voices is considered a sword during sword week.


Quests and Triumphs

  • The "Gray Clouds" Seasonal Challenge incorrectly states that players can use a Stasis subclass to progress. Players must defeat targets with Arc, Solar, or Void subclasses equipped in Gambit.
  • The Solstice Forge was not removed from some player inventories.



  • Launching into Battleground: Echoes activities can sometimes result in a full white screen that can persist for a few seconds.
  • Players who have already completed unique missions in the Episode: Echoes story will not be able to launch into them again with other players who have not completed them yet.
  • In the Salvation's Edge raid, The Witness can sometimes softlock when killed as Final Stand ends.
  • In Encore, sometimes the emitter shield where the Choral Goblin spawn will linger after the Boss node appears and may get in the way of hitting the node to take down the Boss' shield.
  • The Vow of the Disciple raid is missing the Master version in Fireteam Finder.



PC Known Issues


Year 6 Archived Known Issues


Year 5 Archived Known Issues


Year 4 Archived Known Issues


Year 3 Archived Known Issues


Years 1-2 Archived Known Issues