Reporting a Player in Destiny

The in-game "Report User" function may be used if a player wishes to report someone for poor behavior, malicious communications, or any content that breaks the Code of Conduct. Please see below for more information on how to report a player in-game.


Report Player from the Roster

  1. Navigate to the Roster tab
    • Destiny 2: Open the Director map and navigate to the Roster tab
    • Destiny 1: Open the Character screen and navigate to the Roster tab
  2. Select the nameplate of the player in question
  3. Choose the "Report Player" option
  4. Select the appropriate report option


Report Player while in Orbit

  1. Open the "Previous Results" screen by pressing up on the D-pad after an activity has been completed
  2. Select the nameplate of the player in question
  3. Choose the "Report Player" option
  4. Select the appropriate report option


Report Clan Profile

Players can also use either of the above methods to access a players Clan profile and report it for any content that violates the Code of Conduct. For more information, please see the Destiny 2 Clans guide.

Report Malicious Text Chat

To report a player for malicious text communications, please see the following links:

Report Suspected Cheating

The most effective way to report a player is through the in-game reporting system. However, players that are unable to submit a report through the in-game system may fill out the Report Player Contact Form with the requested information.