This is a sub-page in the Installing, Reinstalling, and Updating Destiny Guide. To return to the start of the support flow, please click here.
Installing Destiny on the Xbox Series X|S
Most consoles will automatically download and install the associated Destiny release when a physical disc is inserted. However players that purchased digital copies of Destiny game content, including expansions or add-ons, may need to manually begin the download and installation process after redeeming their purchased content through the platform's store. For detailed information on installing Destiny content on the Xbox Series X|S please read the below guide.
Game Installation from a Physical Disc
When installing Destiny, it is recommended to use a wired internet connection if possible. Here are the recommended steps for installing Destiny with a physical disc:
- Turn on the Xbox Series X|S system
- Sign into the desired Xbox profile
- Insert the game disc into the disc drive
- Installation should begin automatically after the disc is inserted
- A progress bar will appear while the game is being installed on the console hard drive
Game Installation from Digital Download or Game Library
When installing Destiny, it is recommended to use a wired internet connection if possible. Here are the recommended steps for installing Destiny manually or with a digital download:
- Turn on the Xbox Series X|S system
- Sign into the desired Xbox profile
- On the Xbox Home menu, select My Games and Apps
- Select Destiny and then select Install
- Download and install progress can be viewed in the Queue section of the menu
- A progress bar will appear while the game is being installed on the console hard drive
Reinstalling Destiny on the Xbox Series X|S
Occasionally the data or files in a Destiny installation can become corrupted, partially overwritten, or otherwise no longer work as intended. If this happens it can cause the console and Destiny to have issues maintaining connectivity, loading some game files, or other gameplay issues. Reinstalling the game removes the data and files from the console and allows a fresh set to be downloaded and stored. For more detailed information on reinstalling Destiny on the Xbox Series X|S, please see the guide below.
Reasons to Reinstall Destiny
Some common issues that may be resolved by reinstalling Destiny are:
- Stuck on a frozen or indefinite loading screen
- Encountering a consistent crash in the game
- Accessing items or content that cannot be resolved by restoring licenses
- Swapping from a physical to digital copy of Destiny or from digital to physical
Uninstalling Destiny
To being the process of reinstalling Destiny, players must first uninstall ALL Destiny content and add-ons. Here are the recommended steps to do so:
- Turn on the Xbox Series X|S system
- Sign into the desired Xbox profile
- On the Xbox Home menu, select My Games and Apps
- Select Games and highlight Destiny
- Press the View button on your controller
- Select Uninstall All
- On the next screen, select Uninstall All to confirm deletion
- After a brief moment, the game will be completely removed from the hard drive
Once Destiny has been uninstalled, players can follow the installation guidelines at the beginning of this article to reinstall the game on their Xbox Series X|S system.
Clearing the Console Cache
Clearing the console cache after uninstalling Destiny helps ensure that there are no temporary files stored in the consoles cache that could impact the new installation of Destiny. Here are the recommended steps on clearing the console cache:
- Completely shut down the Xbox Series X|S
- Once the console is completely off, unplug the power cord from the back of the console
- Let the console sit unplugged for at least 5 minutes
- Plug the power cord back into the console
- Turn the Xbox Series X|S system back on
Updating Destiny on the Xbox Series X|S
The current Destiny release is often updated to address gameplay issues or to update in-game features. All Destiny releases require players to download and apply all available updates for their consoles to continue playing. Most consoles will automatically download and install updates as they become available, however players may occasionally need to manually begin the update process. For more detailed information on downloading and installing Destiny Updates on the Xbox Series X|S , please read the below guide.
Automatic Updates for Destiny
Most consoles can be set up to receive automatic updates to Destiny. Here are the recommended steps to do so:
- Turn on the Xbox Series X|S system
- Sign into the desired Xbox profile
- Navigate to the Settings menu
- Click on Systems and then Updates
- Select the "Keep my console, games & apps up to date" option
Manually Updating Destiny
If players do not have automatic updates enabled, or if they encounter an issue with an update they may need to manually update Destiny. Here are the recommended steps to do so:
- Turn on the Xbox Series X|S system
- Sign into the desired Xbox profile
- On the Xbox Home menu, select My Games and Apps
- Select Manage and then Updates
- Select Destiny and then select Update
- Download progress can be viewed in the Queue section of the menu
Please note: If the most recent update is not available for download, players may be required to fully turn off their Xbox Series X|S console and sign in once more for the update to become available.
Vital Information
- Destiny Update Status: Players can see details of upcoming Destiny server maintenance, updates, or hotfixes in the Server and Update Status help article. Patch notes from past update and hotfixes can be seen in the Bungie.net News section.
- Interrupting Update Downloads: When receiving a patch or update for Destiny, please do not interrupt the download or install process. Doing so may force some consoles to re-download all previous patch data. Once this occurs, it cannot be undone and may only be resolved by allowing all deleted patch data to be re-downloaded.
- Code Redemption: Some Destiny content includes game codes that must be redeemed before the content can be downloaded and installed. For more information, please see the Code Redemption guide.
- Characters and Progression: Destiny Characters and progression are not stored on a player's console. As such, reinstalling or clearing the console cache will not cause a player to lose access to their Characters or progression. To maintain access to their Characters and progress, players must continue to log in to Destiny using the same PSN ID or Xbox Gamertag.
- Game Sharing: Players should ensure that any code redemption or digital game purchases are made on the correct account. While some console systems may allow game sharing between accounts on the same console, Bungie can only support Destiny content for accounts that own the content. For more information, please see the Content Sharing policy.
- Installing Game Add-Ons: Some Destiny add-ons may need to be installed separately after installing the main Destiny game.
- Hard Drive Requirements: Players should ensure they have the proper amount of console storage space available to complete the full installation process. For more information, please see the Platform Storage Requirements guide.
- Wired Connections Recommended: Players that are using a wireless or wifi connection may want to switch to a wired connection for the download and installation process. Wireless connections are susceptible to a variety of different sources of interference and may cause issues in the stability of the Destiny download or installation. For more information, please see the Network Troubleshooting Guide.
- Clearing Console Cache: When installing Destiny, it may be helpful for players to clear the cache on their consoles before beginning the installation process. This help to ensure that any bad data or corrupted files have been removed from the console's temporary files that may cause stability issues in the new installation of Destiny. For more information on this process, please see the Clearing the Console Cache guide.
- Long or Stalled Downloads: If the download is taking an abnormally long time, please stop or delete the download, and clear the console cache. Once the Xbox Series X|S system is turned back on, please start the download from the Downloads queue in the Notifications menu. When downloading from that menu, the download bar may say that is "Preparing to Download" for a while, but as long as progress is being made, please try to continue the download normally. If progress on the download bar stops, never starts, or otherwise stalls, please try uninstalling Destiny, clearing the console cache, and then reinstalling Destiny. If the download continues to encounters this problem, please contact Xbox Support.
- Console Error Codes: Players may occasionally encounter a console error code when downloading, installing, or updating Destiny. These are most often a string of numbers and/or letters. To troubleshoot these errors, please contact Xbox Support.
- Corrupted Data Error: Players may occasionally encounter a "Corrupted Data" error message when downloading, installing, or updating Destiny. To troubleshoot this error code, please stop or delete the download, clear the console cache, and then try initiating the download again from the Downloads queue in the Notifications menu. If the download continues to encounter the "corrupted data" error message, please contact Xbox Support.
- Destiny Error Codes: Players may occasionally encounter a Destiny error codes when downloading, installing, or updating Destiny. These are codes like OYSTER. To troubleshoot these errors, please try searching for the associated error page in the Destiny Help Knowledge Base and work through any suggested troubleshooting steps. Additionally players may want to search or post on the #Help forums where Destiny Player Support, Mentors, and community volunteers may be able to provide additional assistance. Please note: It is expected behavior to encounter the SHEEP error code if players launch Destiny without having downloaded and installed the latest Destiny update. To resolve this error code, please close Destiny and install the latest update.