A new update to Destiny is available. If you are seeing this error the first time you launch Destiny, please exit the game and apply the update before relaunching.
PlayStation 5: https://help.bungie.net/hc/articles/360058200032
PlayStation 4: https://help.bungie.net/hc/articles/360049198711
PlayStation 3: https://help.bungie.net/hc/articles/360048720052
Xbox Series X|S: https://help.bungie.net/hc/articles/360058647971
Microsoft Store
- Go into the Microsoft Store app, press the ". . ." button next to your profile icon, press "Downloads and updates," and then press the "Get updates" button.
- Go into the Xbox PC app, click the "My Collection" button in the top left, then "Manage Installs" in the top-right. You will then see a list of all installed Xbox games, what updates are available, and the option to turn on automatic updates (we recommend you turn this on). Updating the title from here will bring you in sync and allow you to connect to the game servers.
Epic Games Store
- Restart the Epic Games launcher on your computer, including exiting out of the app via the Windows taskbar tray. The update for Destiny 2 should begin downloading automatically.
- You may have to perform this action a few times if a new update just launched.
- If the above solution doesn't work, please verify game files in the Epic Games launcher to see if that will cause the update to appear under downloads.
- Additionally, you may have to clear the webcache in the Epic Games launcher for the update to appear.
- Restart the Steam app on your computer, including exiting out of the app via the Windows taskbar tray. The update for Destiny 2 should appear under Downloads that will automatically download as long as you have automatic updates enabled, otherwise, press the download button.
- You may have to perform this action a few times if a new update just launched.
- If the above solution doesn't work, please verify integrity of game files in the Steam app to see if that will cause the update to appear under downloads.
- Additionally, you may have to clear the download cache in the Steam app for the update to appear.