Q: Will The Final Shape's delay affect my purchase?
Q: I did not receive my voucher code!
If you have not received an email by June 4, 2024, with download instructions, please submit a ticket with your order number to:
- Bungie Store Orders: https://bungiestore.com/customer-service
- EU Bungie Store Orders: https://eu.bungiestore.com/customer-service
Q: I received my voucher code but it doesn't work!
- Open a PlayStation Network (PSN) account, or use your existing PSN ID.
- Select the PlayStation Store icon on the PlayStation system home screen.
- On the PlayStation Store, select "Redeem Codes" at the bottom of the menu.
- Enter the code and select "Continue".
- Select "Download" to download the content.
- Select "Continue" to complete code redemption.
- Sign into your Xbox console (make sure you're signed in with the Microsoft account you want to redeem the code with).
- Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide, then select "Home."
- Scroll right and choose the "Store" tab.
- Choose "Redeem."
- Enter the 25-character code, then follow the prompts. Don't worry about hyphens, the system takes care of those for you.
- Launch the Steam client software and log into your Steam account.
- In the lower left-hand corner, click "Add a Game."
- Choose "Activate a Product on Steam..."
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
Open your Internet browser.
If you’re not logged in already, log in to your Epic Games account where you want to redeem your code.
Hover your mouse over your name in the top right corner and click "Redeem Code".
Enter the code, and then click "Redeem".
Note: You should receive a message that the code was successfully redeemed and the game should be available in your Epic Games Launcher Library.
Open the Epic Games Launcher.
Log in to your Epic Games account.
Click your name in the upper right corner.
Click “Redeem Code”.
Enter the code, and then click “Redeem”.
Note: You should receive a message that the code was successfully redeemed.
Click “Back to Home” to return to the launcher home page
Q: How do I download the Destiny 2: The Final Shape Original Soundtrack?
Q: I did not receive an email from "Bungie Store Downloads."
- Bungie Store Orders: https://bungiestore.com/customer-service
- EU Bungie Store Orders: https://eu.bungiestore.com/customer-service
Q: How do I redeem my digital Destiny 2: The Final Shape Pre-Order Pack?
Q: How do I redeem emblem codes?
Once a code is redeemed, players will have to return to the Destiny Code Redemption page on June 4 after The Final Shape launches and press the redemption button next to each emblem to apply it to their account. Once the button has been pressed, players will need to log into or restart Destiny 2 and then claim their emblems from their Collections under Flair > Emblems > General.
Players will need to create or sign into a valid Bungie.net account that is linked to a platform account when redeeming an emblem code. Please view the Linking Destiny Accounts Guide for more information about linking a Bungie.net profile to a platform account.
Q: HELP! Something is wrong/damaged/missing in my Collector's Edition!
- Bungie Store Orders: https://bungiestore.com/customer-service