Bungie is committed to protecting players from disruptive user-submitted text while playing Bungie games in accordance with our Entertainment Software Rating Boards (ESRB) rating, T for Teen. Several sources of user-submitted text in Destiny 2 (such as Text Chat, Bungie Names, and Clan details) are processed by text-based language filters that determine if the content poses a risk to the community as determined by our Code of Conduct and moderation policies. These automated filters block disruptive content from being displayed to other players. For more information on how these filters work, please see our FAQ help article.
This form allows players to send feedback on how those filters are performing if they encounter user-submitted text content that was inappropriately filtered or not filtered. Before submitting feedback on the automated filters, please note:
- Players can read our Code of Conduct and a more detailed explanation at this link.
- This feedback channel is for data collection purposes and to investigate potential player-facing issues. The form submissions are automatically sorted and closed out after a certain amount of time. Submissions from this contact form are not guaranteed to be read or responded to by a Bungie employee.
- By the nature of this contact form, users may need to submit examples of content that violates the Code of Conduct. For effective feedback, please ensure that the submitted feedback is clear and explains the issue encountered with the moderation filters.
- Spamming of this contact form or submitting abusive content may result in restrictions from future contact form submissions, Bungie.net, or Bungie games. For this specific contact form, abusive content means content directed at Bungie studios or Bungie employees that violates the Code of Conduct.