Guardians Unite!
Join an existing group or create your own to take on Destiny 2’s most challenging activities with Fireteam Finder.
As Guardians, the power to create and foster a positive environment lies within each and every one of us. All players must agree to this oath before using Fireteam Finder.
I |
Nurture Kindness Show kindness to all and assist them with my knowledge, skill, and patience. |
II |
Share the Light Support my fireteam, regardless of where they are in their journey. If a teammate is struggling, offer a helping hand. |
Honor Others Treat everyone with dignity and respect. We are stronger because we are from different backgrounds, ages, genders, creeds, and disabilities. |
IV |
Stand Together There is no victory without teamwork and respectful communication. We are more than the sum of our parts. |
Destiny 2's Fireteam Finder can be accessed in a player's Roster tab, or by using the "Find" button beneath a player's emblem on an activity's launch screen. Players have these options to choose from: |
Search for a Listing
Players who want to join a fireteam instead of making one themselves can use this option to search for exactly what they need. |
Create a Listing
Players who want to control their fireteam experience can use this option to create the listing they want. |
Activity Selection
- The Final Shape
- Lightfall
- The Witch Queen
- Beyond Light
- Weekly Missions
- Classic Campaign
- Legendary Campaign
- Post-Campaign Missions*
*Some missions may require a prerequisite to select, such as an item or quest progression
- Trials of Osiris*
- Control
- Competitive
- Private Match
- 6v6 Quickplay
*Requires Trials Passing from Saint-14
- All Available Dungeons
- Normal Difficulty
- Master Difficulty*
*When available
- Gambit Playlist
- Private Match
- All Available Raids
- Normal Difficulty
- Master Difficulty*
*When available
- Seasonal Activities
- Exotic Quest Rotator
- Events*
*When available
- Nightfall
- Grandmaster Nightfall
- Vanguard Ops Playlist
- Hero, Legend, or Master Difficulty
- Available Grandmaster Nightfalls
- Onslaught
- Onslaught: Playlist
- Onslaught
- Exotic Missions
- The Whisper
- Zero Hour
- Offensives
- The Wellspring
- Dares of Eternity
- Free Roam
- All Destinations
- Nightmare Hunts
- Social
- H.E.L.M.
- Tower
Listing Settings
- Openers
- Goals
- Fireteam
- Buildcraft
- Emojis
*Five phrases can be selected
*Three tags can be selected
Auto Join or Application Requirement
- Choose whether to let players automatically join your fireteam, or require them to apply.
Online Players Only or Allow Offline Players
- Choose whether you want to allow players who are not logged in to Destiny 2 to join your lobby.
All Platforms, Console Preferred, or PC Preferred
- Choose which platform you prefer your fireteam members to be on.
- This option allows players to set expectations of what they'd like to see in their fireteam, but will not restrict applicants from applying.
- Choose whether voice chat should be on or off for your fireteam.
- This option allows players to set expectations of what they'd like to see in their fireteam, but will not restrict applicants from applying.
- Choose which languages you will use for communicating with your fireteam.
- This option allows players to set expectations of what they'd like to see in their fireteam, but will not restrict applicants from applying.
- None or Select a Guardian Rank of 5+
- This option allows players to set expectations of what they'd like to see in their fireteam, but will not restrict applicants from applying.
Joining a Fireteam
Players who want to join a fireteam can select the activity they want to engage in. Once an activity is selected, listings will appear, and players can select the listing they want to join. Players selecting a listing will be able to join a listing immediately if applications aren't required, or will send the fireteam creator an application. If players have successfully joined a listing, they will be moved to the fireteam's lobby to discuss things further. When members of the fireteam are ready, they need to press the "Ready Up" button, and then the creator of the fireteam will summon the fireteam by sending them invitations to join them. |
Accepting a Fireteam
When a player has created a listing, they will begin receiving applications or automatic joins, depending on the settings they chose. Fireteam listings that require applications will receive applications from players, and the creator will need to review the player's Guardian to see if they meet the qualifications to join the fireteam. If a player's Guardian meets the listing's requirements, the creator can accept their applications to join. Creators can also reject an application if players do not meet the listing's requirements. Once the fireteam is filled and everyone has selected the "Ready Up" button, the creator can press the "Summon Fireteam" button to send invitations out for the fireteam to join them in Orbit, where they can then begin the activity. |
Fireteam Finder can be accessed on in the Fireteam Finder area, and on the Destiny Companion App in the Fireteams tab. It includes everything Destiny 2's version offers, and additional features to help players plan for upcoming events. |
Joining a Fireteam
To use Fireteam Finder on or the Destiny Companion App, players must be signed in to their platform account where their Destiny 2 characters are located.
On the home screen of Fireteam Finder, players can see their currently selected character, current in-game fireteam, and their pending fireteams that are scheduled ahead.
Players can also choose the following:
Search for a Listing
Players who want to join a fireteam instead of making one themselves can use this option to search for exactly what they need. |
Create a Listing
Players who want to control their fireteam experience can use this option to create the listing they want. |
Activity Selection
- The Final Shape
- Lightfall
- The Witch Queen
- Beyond Light
- Weekly Missions
- Classic Campaign
- Legendary Campaign
- Post-Campaign Missions*
*Some missions may require a prerequisite to select, such as an item or quest progression
- Trials of Osiris*
- Control
- Competitive
- Private Match
- 6v6 Quickplay
*Requires Trials Passing from Saint-14
- All Available Dungeons
- Normal Difficulty
- Master Difficulty*
*When available
- Gambit Playlist
- Private Match
- All Available Raids
- Normal Difficulty
- Master Difficulty*
*When available
- Seasonal Activities
- Exotic Quest Rotator
- Events*
*When available
- Nightfall
- Grandmaster Nightfall
- Vanguard Ops Playlist
- Hero, Legend, or Master Difficulty
- Available Grandmaster Nightfalls
- Onslaught
- Onslaught: Playlist
- Onslaught
- Exotic Missions
- The Whisper
- Zero Hour
- Offensives
- The Wellspring
- Dares of Eternity
- Free Roam
- All Destinations
- Nightmare Hunts
- Social
- H.E.L.M.
- Tower
Listing Settings
- Openers
- Goals
- Fireteam
- Buildcraft
- Emojis
*Five phrases can be selected
*Three tags can be selected
- Playing Now requires players to be online in Destiny 2.
- To schedule a listing for the future, select "Scheduled" then select a date and start time for a listing.
Auto Join or Application Requirement
- Choose whether to let players automatically join your fireteam, or require them to apply.
Online Players Only or Allow Offline Players
- Choose whether you want to allow players who are not logged in to Destiny 2 to join your lobby.
All Platforms, Console Preferred, or PC Preferred
- Choose which platform you prefer your fireteam members to be on.
- This option allows players to set expectations of what they'd like to see in their fireteam, but will not restrict applicants from applying.
- Choose whether voice chat should be on or off for your fireteam.
- This option allows players to set expectations of what they'd like to see in their fireteam, but will not restrict applicants from applying.
- Choose which languages you will use for communicating with your fireteam.
- This option allows players to set expectations of what they'd like to see in their fireteam, but will not restrict applicants from applying.
- None or Select a Guardian Rank of 5+
- This option allows players to set expectations of what they'd like to see in their fireteam, but will not restrict applicants from applying.
Joining a Fireteam
Players who want to join a fireteam can select the activity they want to engage in. Once an activity is selected, listings will appear, and players can select the listing they want to join. Players selecting a listing will be able to join a listing immediately if applications aren't required, or will send the fireteam creator an application. If players have successfully joined a listing, they will be moved to the fireteam's lobby to discuss things further. When members of the fireteam are ready, they need to press the "Ready Up" button, and then the creator of the fireteam will summon the fireteam by sending them invitations to join them. |
Scheduling a Fireteam
To create a listing that players can join for a future event, players need to selected "Scheduled" when creating a fireteam. Once selected, players need to choose a start time by selecting the calendar date and time in the browser or app before continuing to create the rest of the listing. The scheduled listing will then appear on a player's home Fireteam Finder screen. NOTE: Scheduled listings will not appear in-game until players activate them to become a Playing Now listing. |
Accepting a Fireteam
When a player has created a listing, they will begin receiving applications or automatic joins, depending on the settings they chose. Fireteam listings that require applications will receive applications from players, and the creator will need to review the player's Guardian to see if they meet the qualifications to join the fireteam. If a player's Guardian meets the listing's requirements, the creator can accept their applications to join. Creators can also reject an application if players do not meet the listing's requirements. Once the fireteam is filled and everyone has selected the "Ready Up" button, the creator can press the "Summon Fireteam" button to send invitations out for the fireteam to join them in Orbit, where they can then begin the activity. |
- Linked Platform Account Required: Players must be signed in to their platform account on or the Destiny Companion App to join or create a Fireteam.
- Guardian Rank 5 Required: Players need to reach Guardian Rank 5 to use Fireteam Finder.
Voice or Text Chat Issues:
- Players may need to review their Destiny 2 audio and gameplay settings to confirm that their Voice or Text Chat options are selected appropriately. View our Destiny Audio Guide and Destiny 2 Text Chat Guide for more information.
- Additionally, to promote and protect player privacy and safety, some features and functionality in Destiny 2,, future Bungie games, and other Bungie services require a date of birth to be submitted before gaining access.
- Receiving Invitations: Players need to update their set their "Fireteam Invites" to "Public" to receive invitations using Fireteam Finder. The "Fireteam Privacy" may also need to updated if it's set to "Closed. These settings can be changed in a player's Settings menu under the "Social" tab in their Destiny 2 Settings menu."
Vital Information
- Playing Now Listings: Players are only allowed to have one "Playing Now" listing and must be logged into the game to activate.
- Scheduled Listings: Scheduled listings will not appear in-game until players activate them to become a Playing Now listing. Multiple scheduled listings can be created or joined.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Any ban or restriction for a player determined to be cheating or violating our Terms of Use or Community Code of Conduct may be applied to the entire fireteam of that player. Players should exercise caution when joining fireteams with unknown players, and should leave a fireteam if they suspect a player on their team may be cheating.