Guided Games allow solo players to meet a Clan Fireteam to guide them through select end game activities. For more information on this activity type, please see the below guide.
Guided Games Beta
Guided Games is currently in Beta for the following Destiny 2 activities:
- Garden of Salvation Raid
- Deep Stone Crypt Raid
- Vow of the Disciple Raid
- Vault of Glass Raid
Entering a Guided Game
Players can enter Guided Games as either a Seeker or a Guide, with each role having different entry requirements.
- Players can enter a Guided Game as a Seeker if they meet the Power level and other entry requirements listed on the activity tooltip.
- Players can be Seekers regardless of their Clan status.
- Players must have at least one Guided Game Ticket for the desired activity to join as a Seeker.
- Seeker Tickets for Guided Games refresh at the Seasonal Reset.
- Players can enter a Guided Game as part of a Guide Fireteam if they meet the Power level and other entry requirements listed on the activity tooltip.
- If a Clan wishes to host a Guided Game, half of the Guide Fireteam must be composed of members from the same Clan (i.e. 3 and 4 player Fireteams must have at least 2 Clan members; a 6 player Fireteam must have at least 3 Clan Members).
- Guide Fireteams that meet the above Clan requirements can also include players that are not a part of the hosting Clan.
Guardian Oath and Oathkeeper Score
The Guardian Oath is a code of behavior that both Seekers and Guides agree to before beginning a Guided Game.
- Guardian Oath: Before beginning a Guided Game, both Seekers and Guides will be prompted to accept the Guardian Oath and agree to be Helpful, Attentive, Observant, Willing to Learn/Teach, and Friendly. Accepting the prompt will apply the Guardian Oath buff to all participants of the Guided Game which lasts for the 45 minute time commitment listed as a requirement for the Guided Game.
- Oathkeeper Score: This measures how well a Clan adheres to the Guardian Oath as measured by finishing Guided Game activities. Players can view a Clan's Oathkeeper Score from the Clan profile in Destiny 2 and in the Destiny Companion on and the Mobile App. Seekers can view a Clan's Oathkeeper Score while setting up a Guided Game activity.
Leaving a Guided Game
Players may leave a Guided Game session before the activity is complete, however they may incur a penalty for doing so without the consent of the Fireteam.
- Abandoning: Players that abandon or are disconnected from the Guided Games Fireteam before the Guardian Oath buff expires will have the Oathbreaker debuff applied to them which places a time penalty on the player that prevents them from queuing for a new Guided Game session until the debuff expires. If a player abandons the Guided Game session with penalty, all remaining players can leave the session without penalty.
- Vote to Leave: If a player wishes to leave the activity without penalty, they can pull out their Ghost and use the "Vote to Resign" option. The other Fireteam members will then be able to pull out their Ghosts and select the "Vote to Resign" option to vote to allow players to leave the activity without incurring a penalty.
Guided Games Moderation: Warnings and Bans
If a Clan is found to have content within their Clan Culture fields (Ex: Clan Motto, Mission Statement, Name, or Tag) that breaks the Code of Conduct, they are subject to being Warned or Banned by the community moderation team. When moderation is applied to a Clan, the Clan Culture field will be purged of all content, and prevent any Clan member from hosting a Guided Game until the culture field has been rewritten to abide by the Code of Conduct.
- Warnings: If the Clan has been given a Warning, they will be able to revise their culture fields immediately.
- Bans: If a Clan has been given a Ban, they will not be able to revise their culture field for the duration of the Ban. Ban lengths may either be 7 days, 30 days, or permanent.
If players wish to report specific members of a Clan for malicious voice or text chat during game play, they must do so through the platform reporting tools.
Vital Information
Below is some vital information regarding Guided Games that player may want to know.
- Reporting Players: Guided Game participants that encounter players or Clans violating the Code of Conduct or the Guardian Oath can report the offending behavior using the "Report Clan" or "Report Player" buttons.
- Clans Guide: For more information on Clan features and how to join a Clan, please see the Destiny 2 Clans Guide.
- Milestones: Guided Game activity nodes in the Director do not display the associated Milestones. However players will get credit towards the associated Milestone for completing the Guided Games activity.
- Guardian Oath Expired: Once the Guardian Oath buff expires, players can leave the Fireteam without penalty. After the buff has expired, the "Vote to Resign" button may not update properly to show that there is no longer a penalty for leaving the Guided Game Fireteam.
- Fireteam Management: Normal Fireteam management abilities, such as kicking Fireteam members or pulling the Fireteam to a new Destination, are not available during a Guided Games session.