Destiny Companion Guide

The Destiny Companion is available on both and as a Mobile App on select mobile devices. Players can use the Destiny Companion to keep up to date with Bungie and Destiny news, as well as to interact with their Destiny 2 Characters and communities. Please see below for more information on the supported browsers and devices, troubleshooting steps, how to report an issue, and a list of vital information for the Destiny Companion.

Destiny Companion on

Below are the supported browsers and suggested troubleshooting steps for players encountering technical issues while using the Destiny Companion on

Supported Browsers

The following browsers are supported for the Destiny Companion on
    • Google Chrome
    • Apple Safari
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Microsoft Edge

Troubleshooting Issues with

Players that are encountering issues while using the Destiny Companion on may want to try the following troubleshooting steps.
    • Clear the cookies and/or cache from the browser
    • Check that the current browser is updated to the latest version
    • Check that the graphics drivers on the PC are updated to the latest version
    • Restarting the PC
    • If none of the above troubleshooting steps resolve the issue, please follow the steps for reporting an issue with the Destiny Companion as outlined below.

Destiny Companion Mobile App

Below are the supported devices and suggested troubleshooting steps for players encountering technical issues while using the Destiny Companion Mobile App.

Supported Devices

The following mobile devices are supported for the Destiny Companion Mobile App:
    • iOS
    • Android

Troubleshooting Issues on the Mobile App

Players that are encountering issues while using the Destiny Companion Mobile App may want to try the following troubleshooting steps.
    1. Clear the Application Cache
      1. From the app, tap the Profile icon
      2. Tap "App Settings"
      3. Tap "Delete Cache"
      1. From the Home Screen, enter the Settings application
      2. Navigate to the "Apps" section
      3. Select "Destiny"
      4. Select "Storage"
      5. Tap "Clear Cache"
    2. Delete the content database
      1. From the app, tap the Profile icon
      2. Tap "App Settings"
      3. Tap "Delete Content Database"
      1. From the Home Screen, enter the Settings application
      2. Navigate to the "Apps" section
      3. Select "Destiny"
      4. Select "Storage"
      5. Tap "Clear Data"
    3. Delete and reinstall the Destiny Companion Mobile App
    4. If none of the above troubleshooting steps resolve the issue, please follow the steps for reporting an issue with the Destiny Companion as outlined below.

Reporting an Issue with the Destiny Companion

Before reporting an issue, please search the existing articles on and posts on the #Help forums. Destiny Player Support may have already addressed the issue in one of the published Help Articles or other players may have already reported the issue in the Help Forums and received a response from Destiny Player Support.
If there are no help articles or help forum threads on the issue, please create a new thread and provide as much detailed information as possible. Please see the example below for what would be the most informative method to report an issue.
    • The title of the thread should be descriptive but concise to help Destiny Player Support discern the root of the problem.
    • In the body of the post, provide a description of the issue that was observed, and list the steps that were taken that may have caused the issue.
    • Include any error messaging or error codes displayed on screen.
Example of an actionable issue report:
SUBJECT: Hitting a 505 error when viewing someone's profile
DESCRIPTION: When I click on another person's profile from the forums I get a 505 error, but if I search for their profile I can get to it without the error.
    1. Go to the forums
    2. Find a player's post
    3. Click on the player's name
    4. Get a 505 error

Destiny Companion Vital Information

Below is a list of vital information regarding the Destiny Companion on and the Mobile App that players may need to know.
  • Account Linking Guide: For information on creating a profile or linking a platform Destiny account to an existing profile, please see the Account Linking Guide.

  • Clans and Groups Guide: For information on the Groups and Destiny Companion Clans features, please see the Groups Guide or the Destiny 2 Clans Guide.

  • Recruitment Forums Guide : For information on the Recruitment Forums feature of the Destiny Companion, please see the Recruitment Forums Guide.

  • Destiny Companion API : For information on the Destiny Companion API for use in third-party apps, please see the Developers Guide.

  • Classified Items: When new game content is released, certain items will show as "Classified" when viewed in the Destiny Companion for a limited time after the content release. Players that are seeing items on their Characters inappropriately listed as "Classified" may want to work through the troubleshooting steps listed above.

  • Transferred Items Missing: Bungie closely monitors reports of items going missing after using the Destiny Companion Item Management features to transfer items between Characters and the Vault. Players that believe they are missing an item after transfer should fully close and restart Destiny and then check all Character and Postmaster inventories in the game for the item in question. 

  • Third Party Authorization: Players should exercise caution when using any third-party websites or applications that request access to their account. Bungie will never ask or require any sensitive or personal information (such as an email address, password, or billing information) to be shared for account creation.

  • PSN External Authentication Error: This sign-in error occurs when a PlayStation Network account needs more information added onto the PSN account profile. Users will need to navigate to their PSN account profile and ensure all required information is filled out.

  • "Something Weird Happened" Error: Sometimes this occurs when navigating and can correct itself on its own. Players that encounter this page repeatedly may want to report this to the Help forum.

  • Cannot Sign-in to Different Account: This issue may occur if a player is still signed in to their linked platform account. To completely sign out, players should clear the browser cache and cookies, or sign out manually from the platform account.

  • Muting Players: Players can mute other players that are harassing them in the Destiny Companion on or the Mobile App. To do so players can navigate to the offending player's profile and choose the Mute option from the Interact button or they can click on the offending player's name in a private message or forum thread and choose the Mute option. Player can un-mute players from their profile Settings page.

  • Cannot Post in Forums: Players may not post in the #Destiny or #Feedback forums if they do not have a platform Destiny account linked to their profile, do not have a history of Destiny gameplay on their linked platform Destiny account, or have received a forum ban. All players can post in the #Help forums.

  • Destiny 1 Companion: After August 23, 2017, most Character data for Destiny 1 players was removed from the Destiny Companion on and the Mobile App. The API for Destiny will continue to be available and fully functional for third-party app developers to access. The availability of the Destiny API may be subject to change based on implementation and stability. For more information, please see the Legacy Support Guide for Destiny 1.

  • Unsupported Browsers: The Destiny Companion on no longer supports any version of the Internet Explorer browsers.