Common Hardware Issues: First Troubleshooting Steps

This is a sub-page of the Network Troubleshooting Guide. To return to the start of the Guide, please click the above image or click here.

Some network configurations have been shown to be more prone to errors and disconnects than others. For more information on the most common network issues, please see below.

Cable Modem Resets

Most consumer cable modems are designed to restart automatically if they detect too many errors in the data they are receiving.
    • This is commonly called an "error rate reset threshold” and is intended to force the cable modem to establish a new connection with the player’s Internet Service Provider (ISP).
    • While a player’s normal internet usage may not produce enough errors to reach the reset threshold, the increased internet usage from playing Destiny can be enough to pass the error rate reset threshold and result in a modem reboot.
    • Players that encounter this frequently may want to contact their ISP and request diagnostic tests to determine if their modem is rebooting itself due to errors.

Combination Modems and Routers

For a typical cable internet connection, a player's Internet Service Provider likely provided a modem to connect to the internet. These devices frequently include the functionality of a router with WiFi in addition to being a cable modem.
    • While convenient, Bungie’s research has shown that devices which attempt to act as both a cable modem and router simultaneously may have difficulty maintaining the connections required to play Destiny.
    • Players that are using a combo modem/router and are experiencing frequent disconnects from Destiny, may be able to resolve their problems by disabling the router functions on the modem and connecting a separate consumer router.
    • This is commonly referred to as “Bridge” mode, but may also be called “NAT Disabled” mode.
    • Players should refer to the modem’s user manual or contact their ISP for more help changing this setting if necessary.

Double NAT

Players that have connected a separate router to their modem without disabling any built-in router features on the modem first, may experience connection errors due to “Double NAT.”
    • One common symptom of “Double NAT” is if console network tests report “Moderate” or “Type 2” NAT but Destiny is providing warnings about a “Strict” or “Type 3” NAT.
    • To resolve “Double NAT” problems, players should place their modem in “Bridged” mode, sometimes referred to as “NAT Disabled” mode.
    • Players should refer to the modem’s user manual or contact their ISP for more help changing this setting if necessary.
    • For more information on NAT Type settings, players may want to see the Advanced Troubleshooting portion of this guide. 

Modem and Router Firmware

Modems and routers use internal software, called firmware, and periodically there may be firmware updates available that improve the functionality of these devices.
    • Players that are having trouble staying connected to Destiny may want to check for updates to their modem and router’s firmware that may have been released by the device’s manufacturer or their ISP.
    • Players should refer to their modem’s user manual or contact their ISP for help updating the firmware on their modem or router.

Strictly Controlled Networks and ISPs

Players that are on a college campus, staying in a hotel, or otherwise using a strictly controlled internet service, including some satellite internet providers, may not be able to solve connection issues without help from their ISP or IT department.
    • For example, not all NAT Type problems can be solved if an ISP limits what type of traffic can be sent or received on the network.

Network Troubleshooting Guide Directory
This is a sub-page of the Network Troubleshooting Guide which is designed to help players through the recommended steps for troubleshooting network connectivity issues that may be impacting their ability to play Destiny. Please click the appropriate button below to return to the start of the guide or to read through the other pages.
Error Codes Network Setup Common Hardware Issues
Optimizing Connections Advanced Troubleshooting Return to Start